Beak disease/deformity

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csellick's picture
Beak disease/deformity

Hi everyone
Was wondering if anyone can help. A month ago we found a very sick and skinny galah who had lost his flight feathers so couldn't fly, we caught him and put him in with our pet galah so he could recover, get some food into him and wait for his feathers to regrow. He has been getting healthier and putting on weight but now his beak is getting extremely long. There is cuttlebone in the cage, he gets wild bird mix with extra sunflower seeds and grass (kikuyu). Am wondering what he is lacking for his beak to grow excessively? His feathers started to grow back then he lost it, only the flight feathers? Otherwise he is a healthy looking bird.
Any suggestions or information would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Araminta's picture

(Psittacine Circovirus Disease)
by Dr Garry Cross
Senior Lecturer in Animal Health,
University of Sydney.

Hi Caspy,I would urge you to read about Psittacine , I would not have put the sick bird in with a healthy bird, as this is a very contageous virus. I would hand the Galah over to a Wildlife Carer, or any person or organization, that has a licence to care for native (wild) birds.
Although it's very nice of you to try and help, you you should pass it on to the appropriate organization,they will know what to do. Sorry Caspy, good luck for the bird and you and your bird, M-L


mick2mick3's picture

Sadly this bird sounds like it has PCD or Beak and Feather disease - I am a rescuer and carer with a wildlife fund and we see many of these birds - never, never, never put a wild bird in with your pet birds - sadly you may have given your pet the disease.

There is no cure, first sign I look for with PCD is no flight feathers - or damage feathers - blood in the quill and overgrowing beaks (which then snap off and bleed) - I explain this as an HIV style virus it attacks the birds immune system and can be transferred by the powder from feathers - touch, spittle, even from your clothing. BE sure to disinfect everything the "wild" bird touched and get him to your nearest vet.

Sorry for the not so good news - If you do find any injured bird or animal your local vet should normally check the animal then arrange with the local wildlife fund to pick up the creature.

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