RIP lorikeet

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Holly's picture
RIP lorikeet

Poor little guy flew into a car this morning. I was walking past with my dog just when the woman stopped to check. Had to explain to the two boys that they don't have much road sense! (one kept asking his mum why she hit it). I told them that they have very delicate necks, he got bumped and went straight to sleep.

Lucky me then got to pick it up (thankfully I had poo bags) and carry it home.

So RIP little one, at least he didn't suffer

fantail's picture

Had a ring-necked parrot or twenty-eight once fly at speed in front of a semi trailer travelling 110km, missed it by cms but hit the side of my car. galahs aren't much better with road sense. Crows are very clever though, you don't see them squashed on roads. However, their young do have a lot to learn.


michaelbaihn's picture

it's sad to hear stories like that
was the boys driving the car if they were you should
contact (wires) or (rspca) so they can get what they deserve

michaelbaihn's picture

it's sad to hear stories like that.
were the boys driving the car if they were
you should contact (wires) or (rspca)
so they can get what they deserve.

deva's picture

hi michaelbaihn
yes, sad story but.........
sounds as though mum was driving - if one of the boys was asking why she hit it.
not sure "what they deserve" if a bird flies into car!

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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