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Lowe K, Taylor CE, Major RE (2011) Do Common Mynas significantly compete with native birds in urban environments? Journal of Ornithology DOI 10.1007/s10336-011-0674-5
Major RE (2010) Using museum collections and community surveys to monitor change in the birds of Sydney. In: Lunney D, Hutchings P, Hochuli D (eds) The natural history of Sydney, vol In Press. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, pp 234-240
Ashley LC, Major RE, Taylor CE (2009) Does the presence of grevilleas and eucalypts in urban gardens influence the distribution and foraging ecology of noisy miners? Emu 109: 135-142
Parsons H, Major RE, French K (2008) The vegetation requirements of Superb Fairy-wrens (Malurus cyaneus) in non-urban edge and urbanised habitats. Emu 108: 283-291
Parsons H, Major RE, French K (2006) Species interactions and habitat associations of birds inhabiting urban areas of Sydney, Australia. Austral Ecology 31 (2):217-227
Parsons H, Major RE (2004) Bird interactions in Sydney gardens: Some initial findings of the Birds in Backyards program. In: Lunney D, and Burgin, S, (ed) Urban wildlife: More than meets the eye. Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW, pp 211-215