There is a heron who has taken up residence at my fish pond. How do I get it to leave?

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White-faced herons are usually the culprits here. They show up at a pond, pick off all the fish and then leave with a full belly. Of course we want these birds to be able to survive in our landscape but if you want to limit fish losses you can try a few things:

  • Net the pond and ensure there is lots of aquatic vegetation for the fish to seek shelter in
  • A fence-like barrier with taut wires or strings 20 and 35cm above the water surface erected at the edge of the water can prevent a heron from reaching the fish. Make sure it is taut so birds cannot get tangled and injured.
  • Plant aquatic plants around the outsides of your garden pond and make the sides quite steep. If the heron is unable to access the fish then it will quickly learn to try somewhere else.
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