Parramatta City Plant List

The list of plants associated with this area. Please click on an individual name to see further details about these species.

Growth Form Scientific Name Common Name
Tussock Danthonia racemosa Wallaby Grass
Tussock Danthonia tenuior Wallaby Grass
Tussock Dianella caerulea s. lat Blue Flax Lily
Tussock Dianella longifolia
Tussock Dianella revoluta Mauve Flax Lily
Tussock Dichelachne micrantha Shorthair Plume Grass
Tussock Echinopogon caespitosus Tufted Hedgehog Grass
Tussock Gahnia aspera Sword Sedge
Tussock Juncus usitatus Common Rush
Tussock Lepidosperma laterale
Tussock Lomandra longifolia Spiny Mat-rush
Tussock Lomandra multiflora ssp. multiflora
Tussock Oplismenus aemulus Basket Grass
Tussock Themeda australis Kangaroo Grass
Ground Cover Brachycome angustifolia
Ground Cover Brunoniella australis Kidney Weed
Ground Cover Centella asiatica
Ground Cover Clematis aristata Old Man's Beard
Ground Cover Commelina cyanea Creeping Christian, Scurvy Weed
Ground Cover Dichondra repens Kidney Weed
Ground Cover Goodenia hederacea var hederacea Violet Leaved Goodenia
Ground Cover Hardenbergia violacea False Sardaparilla
Ground Cover Kennedia rubicunda Dusky Coral Pea
Ground Cover Pandorea pandorana Wonga Wonga Vine
Ground Cover Pratia purpurascens Pratia
Ground Cover Viola hederacea Native Violet


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