The Program is...


What We Do

With the help of local communities, Birds in Backyards undertakes scientific research and disseminates the results directly back into the communities that need to know, providing accurate information and community education opportunities.

Birds in Backyards is a program for people and for birds. It helps:

  • people fall in love with birds; to better understand how extraordinary they are; how important they are and what they need to survive
  • birds by encouraging people to provide and make room for them; ensuring they have somewhere to live, eat and  nurture their families

Birds in Backyards provides opportunities for people, as individuals, for local governments, for schools and for developers to:

  • Learn about their local birds and how to encourage more species into their area by creating safe havens
  • Contribute to improving and  maintaining biodiversity within their local spaces; keeping the environment healthy and sustainable 
  • Engage with other people who like doing the same thing – as much  or as little as they want to
  • Experience the natural world in the local area

Birds in Backyards provides opportunities for wild birds by:

  • Encouraging the development of safe places for them to live and  breed throughout areas where people live
  • Facilitating the linking of remnant bushlands through creating vegetation corridors on private and public land so that populations of small birds can reconnect with each other and find a mate
  • Discouraging the destruction of habitat when new developments are being created to allow native birds to remain

How We Do It

The Birds in Backyards program aims to increase the variety of birds that live where people live throughout Australia. To meet our research, education and conservation goals we work with a whole range of different individuals and organisations.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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