Colours of the rainbow

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birdie's picture
Colours of the rainbow

Finally took a long awaited walk down to the local pond today and on my way I saw this awesome coloured Rainbow Lori

He didn't welcome the intrusion on his nectar breakfast though by me and the dog...

Owen1's picture

Love the colours with the Grevillea in the background. I've noticed that around Melbourne some of the loris have more red on their chest and these ones seem more dominant. Maybe they are the older, more experienced ones.

Cheers, Owen.

timrob's picture

Beautiful. You have captured the "attitude" of these birds very well. I sometimes think they have a naughty look in their eye.

Araminta's picture

Hi Adrienne,those colours are stunning, not just the birds, the grevilleas as well.They heve two colours, orange and yallow, haven't seen those before. Beautiful photos. M-L


Birdgirl2009's picture

They're stunners all right. I'm happy we get them every day, although they are bossy. The grevillea may be a Honey Gem


Great shots,what beautiful colours. Yep you are right with the grevilla. We had one but it died :(

jaytee's picture

Good colourful and sharp photos, very nice, thanks for sharing.

Brisbane QLD

birdie's picture

Thank you everyone and yes I find that it is that particular Grevillea that they seem to love the most around this area.

Sunshine Coast Queensland

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