Early this morning at around 0215 I heard a bird call not heard for quite a few years in this area, a distinct "Mo-poke" from the trees across the road at the school. This call is from a Southern Boobook. Good to see this bird is still about north western Sydney. A member of the owl family.
That is sooo good Raven. I haven't heard any Boobooks yet,where I live, they will start calling (all night!) a bit later. Early spring, when it gets warmer. But for the last days, I have heard a "Barking Owl".Last night she/he(?) has done the loud "screaming", it drives my dogs up the wall. They don't know what to make of it? Don't know, what they think,little dogs barking in trees, and girls screaming.....?
Question: Do both sexes do the screaming, what does it mean?M-L
I have only heard boobooks once in my life. Do they only call in the breeding season?
How amazing it would be to hear a barking owl.
Thinking back, my youngest daughter is 17 and we were living two streets from here back then before she was born, so 18 years since I have heard "Mo-poke". I think they call anytime at night, not just in the breeding season. In another 8 weeks or so it will be Common Koel and Channel Bill Cuckoo time once again.
My impression is that Boobook owls call randomly, any time during the year. They've been calling near our house for several months but this was the first time I've heard them calling consistentl for about 4 or 5 years.
By the way, where does "Boobook" come from? Does anybody know? Is it representative of their call?
I find it interesting, that the Boobooks are calling for months. Where I live, they haven't started yet. But when they do,we get several calling and answering all night. I think the name points to the call they make.
This is funny, but sad at the same time.Many years ago,coming from Europe, I thought the calls came from a Cuckoo. Because the call sounds like the cuckoo in Europe. Well, I hope I have made some progress in identifying what bird make the sound. (Feel free to all laugh about me right NOW!)M-L
I suspect most, if not all, of us are occasional victims of the quirky bird world, Araminta. Or perhaps the birds would call us quirky victims of the bird world.
To the best of my knowledge, while Boobooks may call anytime of the year (same as other Ninox species) they will be more regular and frequent callers around breeding time, which is just about to begin. :-)
Tonight a distinct "mopoke call" was heard in the trees near Artarmon School on Sydney's North Shore. I have not heard it before. It lasted about 20 minutes. What bird would this be?
That bird would be a Boobook Owl, Anngie. It's nice that you have one, presumably in your neighbourhood.
Thnak you for the reply, Woko. It's great to have another bird to add to the growing list here!
Our friends down at Denistone East along Chatham Road have been hearing "Mo-poke" in the wee hours of the morning for the past four days. The call is coming from bushland across the road near the northern rail line.