I'm back

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Holly's picture
I'm back

Hi all

I am back from the land of the Long White Cloud and back at work this morning (to quite a hefty email list). Hope everything was OK here whilst I was gone.
The conference was fantastic - 1300 participants! The emphasis was on engaging society in conservation. I heard lots of presentations on urban environments and on how important citizen scientists are - and then I also went to some fantastic 'out of left field' talks - such as on the breeding ecology of zebras!
Caught up again with some great researchers in the field and met some very big names too. I presented at a special workshop on the work that Birds in Backyards has been involved in and the importance of volunteers in that work.
The second week was spent seeing some of the top of the north island. The weather didn't play nice but we still had a great trip. Saw some stunning and rare birds. I haven't put together a list but I did see some birds on island sanctuaries that are no longer found on the mainland - like Stitchbirds and North Island Saddlebacks. No kiwis in the wild unfortunately (but I did see probe holes!) - so I cheated and went to the zoo. Also visited a Gannet colony at Muriwari beach that was just breathtaking!
Much to catch up on this week including the final checks of the biby website - hope to launch very early in the new year.


Woko's picture

Welcome back, Holly. What an exciting & stimulating time you've had. Well worth the trip by the sound of it. And it's great to hear that at least 1300 people are interested in involving society in conservation.

Araminta's picture

...and some of those, including you Holly, must have been interested in the "breeding ecology of the Zebra" LOL
So, welcome back to the world of birds!!! M-L


Qyn's picture

Welcome back Holly. It sounds like a wonderful and successful trip .... I hope you got some photos to share???

"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."

Holly's picture

Thanks guys

Yes there are photos that husband has to take off his camera so I will be sure to share them once he does.


birdie's picture

Hi Holly .... didn't realise you had gone there.... glad you had a great time. I would love to see a gannet colony and I can't believe I used to live there and wasn't into them at the time !!!

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Owen1's picture

Welcome back! Must have been such a great trip, can't wait to find out what you saw.

Cheers, Owen.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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