Bird baths

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Ginia's picture
Bird baths

Hello. I am new to this site and a novice bird identifier. Looking fwd to learning the names of the amazing birds I see around me.
I am new to Manly West, Qld. I put a bird bath out but the birds are not interested. How do I entice them?


Hi Ginia, give it time and they will come. Having native plants will help.

soakes's picture

Make sure there is a clear flight path in one side and out the other so the birds feel secure.

- soakes

Olinda, Victoria, Australia

mrtattoo's picture

hi welcome, yep give it time & maybe try planting some native plants if possible for food & shelter..... cheers

if your happy when your birding, flap your wings.

Araminta's picture

Welcome to the forum Ginia, good to hear you are interested in birds. Like Cath and Shane, and soakes are saying, you have to be patient. Trust us, the birds will come. (at the moment there is no shortage of water, but come summer, they will be there!)Do you have some native plants in your garden? If you feel like it, tell us a bit about your backyard,I'm all ears!!


Woko's picture

Yes, indeed, patience is needed, Ginia. (Welcome by the way.) The birds are eyeing off your bird bath almost as we speak. Once it's a familiar, non-threatening aspect of your garden they'll come in. My experience is that in summer when I empty the unfresh water & clean out the bird bath a number of species sit around waiting for me to fill the bath & move out. Then all & sundry are in like a mob at a post Christmas sale.
You might want to consider having 2 bird baths: a shallow one for small birds & a deeper one for larger species. But don't install a shower or provide bubble bath facilities or they'll expect the world.


Good one Woko!

mrtattoo's picture

ha luv the last bit of advice woko....I totally agree, uve given some great advice...cheers daz

if your happy when your birding, flap your wings.

Araminta's picture

Hi Woko, (where is your wife? Who is in control tonight!)I loooove your sense of humour, you brighten up my otherwise dull evening! I lead a boring life, as don't have a bubble bath!


Woko's picture

Ar there Araminta. Bubble bath deprivation syndrome is certainly a curse but it is usually overcome by a good dose of bird watching.

Araminta's picture

Hahahaha, LMAO !!!!!


Ginia's picture

Thank you so much everybody!!! I had moved the bath to the backyard but I will move it back to the front. I reckon it's more amenable and there are a lot of birds attracted to breadcrumbs etc I throw there. The backyard is a postage stamp! Btw, does it matter shade or sunny? There are so many different birds flying around here. Our neighbours have bushes that attract a lot of them.
Also, can anyone tell me if (here in Manly area Qld) the cackling/laughing sound comes from Kookaburras or another bird?
Woko, I was stressing about which fragrance bubble bath but I reckon you're right!!!!

Araminta's picture

Hi Ginia, I know you mean well, and you are trying to do something good for the birds. Providing them with clean water in one, or two birdbaths is a very nice thing to help birds with. They will come, and you can enjoy them having a refreshing dip. But, please do "not" feed them bread. Bread is "not" a good food source for any kind of bird, it bulks them up, and makes them feel full without the vitamins they need to survive. Also, the yest in the bread can cause yeast infections in their stomach, which makes them ill and they may even die. On the other hand, you will have so much fun by just watching them. If you and other people plant lots of native shrubs, there will be plenty of natural food around for them to eat. Thanks for caring about the birds in your neighbourhood.


Ginia's picture

Point taken Araminta ...... I shall stop forthwith!!

Meave's picture

Welcome Ginia, and hope the bird bath goes well. It took a couple of weeks for the birds to realise that there was no problem with our one, now we have wrens, silvereyes, finches and honeyeaters, sometimes all together! It is a great thing to sit on the verandah and watch them. We find it helps to clean it out every day too. Someetimes the crows visit it and leave it really dirty, blooming things, hard to keep them away.


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