Golden Throated Honeyeater

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tarkineus's picture
Golden Throated Honeyeater

This set was taken early Wednesday morning when we had a few hours of clear sunshine before our weather returned to normal - i.e. overcast, wet and windy. It appeared to be looking for insects beneath the bark.

I think this bird is of the same species that sandra posted over which there was a question about its ID.

smeedingo2's picture

HI Tark
It's a new one for me not seen before top shots.

GeorgeP's picture

Nice series of a beautiful Tas endemic. Must get down there one day to check them out.


Melbourne, VIC

Birdgirl2009's picture

Thanks for showing us this pretty bird. I like the first one, with his feet off the tree


Cool shots Tark, thanks for sharing.

tarkineus's picture

dingo, I'm afraid there are hundreds of Tassie birds I have never seen, just scraping the surface. It's always a thrill when you download a new one.
George, let's know when you're coming - maybe I can pick your brains for tips. :)
Birdgirl, how lucky was I when this guy landed on a tree not more than 6 metres from where I sat in shadows beneath a Cootamundra Wattle - I just kept blasting away!
Tassie, thanks mate.

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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