Pacific baza

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Birdgirl2009's picture
Pacific baza

I got out nice and early this morning (well, 8:00 am, which is early for me on a Sunday). I had a terrific find - a pair of Pacific bazas, which I have never seen before. Every birding trip I find at least one bird that makes the trip worthwhile

I first spotted one in a tree in clear view. I got a few photos then it flew away when it saw me. The noisy miners kept telling me where it and its mate were

This photo shows the crest

This photo shows the belly markings

He flew! shutter speed too low becasue he was up in the shade

Shutter speed much too low but the photo shows the lovely wing and tail markings

Being annoyed by other birds

Blurry but interesting - being attacked by a magpie

DenisWilson's picture

Hi Birdgirl
Very exciting "find" and a good series of photos.
Well done.


Gidday Birdgirl, well done.
I bet you were excited when you came across them I know how I felt when I captured mine last weekend.
Beautiful series of shots Birdgirl.

smeedingo2's picture

HI Birdgirl
Top Shots what can I say (ENVY) LOL.

tarkineus's picture

A terrific series Birdgirl. You mainlanders are so lucky to have such a diversity of birds living within easy reach of you. Whereas I seem to be seeing the same limited number of species over and over ... woe is me! :-(

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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