Some kind of Goose I'd say.

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tarkineus's picture
Some kind of Goose I'd say.

They don't appear in my S & D edition but whatever they are they should seriously consider migration to the Hippolytes or Macquarie Is., a month before Xmas at least.



And away they go!

DenisWilson's picture

Hi Tark
Lets just settle for "Domestic Goose".
Lots of cross-breeding has occurred (like Chooks).
This link suggests they may be a "breed" called "Pilgrim Geese".
Interestingly, that variety has white males and grey females - a trait which was clearly "selected for" by their human keepers.
I think they'd be pretty tough - on the plate.
They certainly are out on farm dams, etc - tough in their behaviour, I mean.

Lyn's picture

Tark - I like them - lovely reflections.

tarkineus's picture

Denis, thanks for the interesting link mate - although if mine are pilgrims they weren't characteristically friendly like the article says they are. In fact one began to threaten mye as I walked past it on the bank; I eye-balled and pointed my finger at it telling it sternly, "Don't even think about it mate or you're DEAD!" - it seemed to work as it backed off. Not so when as a little boy of 10 one actually did attack and bit me on the leg making it bleed profusely. Ever since I've always ordered roast Goose at Xmas whenever it's on the menu.

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

tarkineus's picture

Thanks Birdgirl.

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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