Forum Rules - please read before posting

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Forum Rules - please read before posting

By using this forum, you agree to and accept these rules and terms of use in their entirety.

For the terms and conditions for the entire Birds in Backyards website go here.

General items you need to know before you do anything else

  • This forum was developed to allow Birds in Backyards members to discuss Australian birds, their habitats and how to conserve them. We ask you respect our aim when visiting here and we prefer you to keep to these discussion topics (with the exception of the Social sub-forum).
  • Think carefully about any possible consequences before posting.
    Be aware that a large audience may see your post (via Google searches etc), and words outside of the discussion topics outlined above may come back to haunt you. Unlike the spoken word, your written posts will exist on here for a long time. We are not obliged to remove your membership or any post you make.
  • The forum owner (BirdLife Australia) does not actively monitor the contents of and is not responsible for any message posted. We do not vouch for, or warrant the accuracy, completeness, usefulness or authenticity of any message (or user). We encourage you to seek your own independent professional advice on all matters. The result of any action you take based on the content of any post on this forum is your responsibility alone.
  • You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless with respect to any claim based upon transmission of your message(s). In the event of any legal action taken as a result of a message posted by you, we reserve the right to reveal your identity (or whatever information we know about you). We also reserve the right to disclose any information we know about you to any law enforcement agency upon request.
  • When using this forum, your computer's IP address is recorded when you join and whenever you make a post.

Forum Rules

This forum is provided for Birds in Backyards members to use for free. We ask that you assist us in making the forum run as smooth as possible by adhering to the following simple rules.

  • Do not attack other forum members
    If you don't agree with what a person has written, then explain why without resorting to insults. Remember that tone does not come across in an electronic medium so always think before you type. Remember that there is a real person reading your posts.
  • Do not promote cruelty to animals (wild or domestic) or people.
  • Do not use offensive or racist language, post or link to adult material or anything that may be offensive to the general public. Remember people under 18 also use this site.
  • Do not make comments that are likely to start or perpetuate an argument.
  • Do not make any post that is defamatory. The law of defamation aims to balance free speech with the right of an individual to enjoy a reputation free from an indefensible attack. There can be no defamation unless the person about whom the communication is made is identifiable in some way.
  • No advertising, spam or self promotion. This includes having links to your business in your signature.
  • No multiple memberships. Only one account per individual.
  • Do not post material which violates a person's privacy. Never 'name names' or post personal details of others.
  • Only post photographs that either you yourself have taken or you have the express consent of the photographer to post (and acknowledge when they are not your photographs).
  • Please respect the decisions of forum moderators and the forum administrator.
  • We reserve the right to remove any participant or post we deem to be inappropriate, irrelevant or inflammatory, without warning.*

    *BirdLife Australia is a not-for-profit conservation organisation and does not have the dedicated resources to monitor forum behaviour

If you fail to observe any of the above guidelines, you may be issued with an official warning at the discretion of the forum moderators/administrator. Accumulation of three warnings will result in a 30 day suspension. In some circumstances,  at the discretion of the forum administrator, an immediate suspension or banning may be given (either option may be used at our absolute discretion).

No correspondence will be entered with the recipient of a warning or a ban. You will be banned if you reply to a warning with negative comments directed at the way the forum is run or at the forum administrator or moderators.

We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without notice.

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