Having heard about the movie "the hunger games" I downloaded and read the e-book. One central theme is the call of the mutant mockingjay bird. I have seen the trailer for the movie and the call of the mockingjay sounds very similar to the pied butcherbirds I often hear singing. The calls are similar enough that I suspect the butcherbird was the inspiration. The way the mockingjay mimics people in the book makes me think lyrebirds might have been an inspiration.
I remember hearing kookaburras in the soundtrack of the old Johhny Weismuller Tarzan movies, they used to show them on TV on saturday arvo when I was a kid.
Having watched Tarzan movies, although continents apart, makes both of us sound old????
Reading about Tarzan after all these years makes me think I'm losing my grip!
That's interesting, I vaguely remember watching the old Tarzan movies on Saturday arvos.
I was reading about the Kookaburra sounds in them last year or the year before, when I was trying to identify a bird call someone was trying to describe from a movie or something.
Apparently they used the Kookaburra cause they thought it sounded particularly odd and exotic.