Just a heads up - away for a few days

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Holly's picture
Just a heads up - away for a few days

Hi guys

Just wanted to let you all know that I  won't be around much and keeping a very close eye on things till after the weekend. I have a rostered day off tomorrow, then heading to Melbourne to our head office for meetings on Friday and Saturday before coming back to Sydney to contribute to a workshop for City of Sydney on Sunday. Sunday afternoon I will be collapsing in a heap :)

I will be testing out my brand spanking new ipad and taking it away with me but I just might be a bit slow to respond to any issues if anything pops up - I will do my best though...





timmo's picture

Thanks Holly,

Have fun!


Holly's picture

I'm back :)


Been an exhausting few days - 2 days of meetings in Melbourne and then a workshop in Sydney yesterday morning. Back on deck today though and catching up on things I couldn't get to when I was gone. Looks like everything here was OK :)

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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