Went out for an early breakfast this morning (god it was cold) and followed this little fella from dark spot to dark spot, but it made my day to finally get a photo of these beautiful birds.
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Ohhh....where did you find this one? So precious, and such great pics too. They are not common, are they?
Brisbane southside.
I got these this morning at a place called Hardings Paddock off the Ipswich-Boonah road.They are listed as fairly common, but I haven't seen alot around. I have seen them at this place twice now and only at one other place. I think they are extra special.
a cute little bird
#3 agrees with your 'very cold' comment
did you have Hardings Paddock on that list of birding places, SE Qld?
Yes Peter I did have that on the list, but under Flinders Goolman Reserve not Hardings Paddock.
Great photos Shane. I have been looking for these lately so it's nice to see someone share pics of one.
Cheers, Owen.
Cute bird and very nice shots. They are irregular visitors to out neighbourhood.
Melbourne, VIC
Lovely little bird and great shots Shane. Second shot is beautiful.
Thanks Owen, I am glad to share as I have been trying to find these for a while, so I am just happy to have seen them and I believe a female as well.
Thanks George, Cath and Shane, at least you get the Pink Robins down your way George which look spectacular as well. Cath and Shane these little birds look so good through the lens in their habitat I don't think photos do justice to them.
Awesome photos of a spectacular bird, well done :)
I THINK (being the operative word) that I just saw a female Rose Robin at the National Botanic Gardens in Canberra last weekend. Unfortunately no male to be found, which would have made ID easier. I'm certainly familiar with Scarlet and Flames and this wasn't that. In a more moist Gully type area. Wish I'd had my Camera! [As a side note, I found Canberra AMAZING for birds, and regretted not taking my camera A LOT! The gardens were FILLED with birds]. Gang gangs, Red-rumped Parrots, Weebills, yellow-rumped thornbills, eastern spinebills and superb fairy wrens everywhere, as well as several spp of honeyeaters. Not to mention Satin bowerbirds, crimson + eastern rosellas, and king parrots.... Oh, and a Little Eagle.
Anyways, thanks for sharing these great pics, you must have been stoked to see them AND be able to take these shots.
Thanks Scott, sounds like Canberra has much more to offer than frozen body bits.
Great little winter bird they come in to my backyard each year, as Iam picking up sticks for the fire have not see him this year.
See it! Hear it!
Mid-North Coast NSW
I see them in Penrith every winter and hope to photograph them again anytime soon as they should be there as I type this. Lovely photos mate. I love the pink breast. Just gorgeous.
Thanks Windhover, I would love to see a top notch photo of one, so I hope you do them justice, I just can't seem to coax them from the shadows for the photo that I envision.
Lucky you! There was one up the river at Pound Bend I went looking for not long ago so there certainly are a few that visit the area every year, doesn't mean I can find them!
Cheers, Owen.