Holly has asked us to continue with the bird of the week thread for the next two weeks while she has a much deserved holiday. I was thinking of making it really hard and saying LBB ( Little brown Bird) but I thought parrots would giuve a wider group of forum members an opportunity to contribute as well as bring some colour to our wintery days
Bird of the Week 10th July ( a bit late I know) - Parrots
Tue, 10/07/2012 - 21:05

Bird of the Week 10th July ( a bit late I know) - Parrots
I can't "sticky" this so I will have to keep bumping it up the list
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Thanks birdie
I am sure that with the topic so great with parrots, you won't need to keep bumping it - I expect lots of amazing shots when I get back
Just bumping this to the top so everyone can see it
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Some from my files taken in more recent times.....
Brisbane southside.
Nice selection there karen and thanks for being first cab off the rank :)
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Thanks birdie. I love parrots and we are truly blessed in Australia to have so many stunning ones. If anyone has any I would love to see some pics of Bourkes parrots, please.
Brisbane southside.
1. Red-rumped Parrot (male)
2. Musk Lorikeet
3. Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
4. Crimson Rosella
Cheers, Owen.
Male Australian King Parrot
Male Gang-gang Cockatoo
Glossy Black Cockatoo at Springwood Cemetery in the Blue Mountains
Long-billed Corella
Rainbow Lorikeet in my backyard.
Scaly-breasted Lorikeets - Regentville, NSW
Swift Parrot, South Penrith NSW
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo (flying at Londonderry) feeding at Penrith Quarries (private property).
it's hard to pick one, I can start with a Crimson Rosella in my garden.
one more, female King Parrot, also in my garden.
and this Gang Gang....
a Yellow-tailed Black - Cockatoo ripping a hole into one of my trees to get to a bug. It only took a few minutes, while his girl was watching him , sitting on another branch.
Well, I definitely have photo envy! love your work Araminta, Owen & Akos.....everyones pics are beaut!! Owen, what gorgeous photos!! I esp love the red rump & the musk!!
i have posted this one before,but here's an W.A. endemic Carnaby's Cockatoo:
Thanks to birdie for taking on the task whilst Holly is away. A great selection so far. I'll start with a Bourke's Parrot (just for you, Karen).
1. Bourke's Parrot at Bowra Station, Qld.
2. Red-winged Parrot at Broome.
3. Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo somewhere between Broome and Derby.
4. Red-rumped Parrot at Woodlands Historic Park, Vic.
5. Crimson Rosella at Grant's Picnic Ground, Vic.
6. Blue-winged Parrot at Anglesea, Vic.
Melbourne, VIC
What a beautiful selection of colourful beautiful birds. I knew it would get some good shots
And thanks George for your kind comments. I just loved your Red winged parrot. Akos...stunners as usual and owen ..beautiful shots. M-L .... you never fail to please and amaze with the shots you get in your garden. nathanY .... love the carnaby's you are lucky to see them.
here is my one post for this that i took in the weekend, one that hasnt been posted here as yet... not the best photo but a lovely sighting for me as the pair were feeding on grass seeds etc
Pale Headed Rosella
Sunshine Coast Queensland
That's love.
Long-Billed Corella.
George, thankyou for the Bourkes. Am very happy to see they are still out there in the wild.. And the Red Rump, another one I love. What a great selection of pics you have there. Obviously widely travelled.
Lovely photos too from Alex, birdie (the pale headed rosella is another favourite of mine). And great pics from everyone else too. Owen, I love the Musk lorikeet. Nathan, nice to see the Carnabys Cockatoo. Windhover, nice swift parrot and also among my favourites to see are the Gang Gang parrots in yours and M-L's selections.
Brisbane southside.
Alex, I am pretty sure yours are Little Corellas. Long-billed we call cut throats because they also have a red line/smudge mark on their necks and the bill is far bigger.
Yeah I think you are right about the corellas Akos. lovely shots AAlex , especially the "love" shots :)
Karen sorry I didn't put your name in my post before , I did appreciate your shots, and I love the scaly the best, they are so cute & gentle compared to their noisdy relatives
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Do cockatoos eat bugs?
- soakes
Olinda, Victoria, Australia
Yes Soakes. The YtBC often peel bark off trees to get them. I've seen them even chew through limbs as thick as a lower leg of a person and once the chewing does enough structural damage the entire branch comes crashing down to earth.
Yes soakes, and the noise it makes when they work on those holes is amazingly loud. They use their beaks and their feet to do it, fascinating to watch.
I can't help it, I have to put up more photos of the Kings in my garden.
Well I'll be hornswoggled. I always thought they were just destructive vegetarians.
- soakes
Olinda, Victoria, Australia
Well I'll be hornswoggled.,,,,,,,, ha ha too funny I have never heard that before Soakes. IS that your birdbath? looks great!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Desperate Fight
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Cacatua galerita by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Group of galahs
Eolophus roseicapillas by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Black Cockatoos
Calyptorhynchus banksiis by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Calyptorhynchus banksiis by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Pale Headed Rosella
Platycercus adscitus by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Ha ha, hi Birdie, I first heard the term many decades ago on The Goodies! Yes that is my birdbath. One year the gang-gangs just flocked to it!
Fang, there seems to be some distracting writing all over your pics.
- soakes
Olinda, Victoria, Australia
More Sulfur-Crested Cockatoo.
Soakes ..... I award you the Master of understatement award for the week lol
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Need to bump this to the top again it is getting lost ... wish I could sticky it
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Well yeehah ...... we are back on line again!!!! Carry on with the good work I think we will leave it as parrots for the rest of this week
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I wish there was a feed I could subscribe to that will alert me of when the next one is happening. I keep missing them and have to remember to come and look.
A family of King Parrots
Launching off
Just visiting the neighbourhood as we pass through
Red-tailed Black Cockatoo showing off his tail feathers
Selby, Victoria
Lovely shots Kathie. Love the red tail showing off the colours and the kingies especially.
Not sure if holly could organise something like that with regards to subscribing. it is meant to be a new one each Monday but we have had so much trouble with down time on the forum lately that we have extended them a bit.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Hi Kathie, great photos. Where did you see the Red-tailed Black Cockatoo? I have never seen one in the Dandenongs?
I'll have to put a reminder in Outlook then, so I come visiting on Mondays to join in the fun
I saw the red-tailed cockatoo at Healesville Mary-Louise. I haven't seen any flying around here either. Seen a few gang-gangs and yellow-tails though. I think he was trained to show off his tail feathers as he opened them up as I focused my camera. A real poser.
Selby, Victoria
Kieran, I love your action red-tailed shot. And Alex's desperate flight. There are lots of really nice shots here, it's so good seeing what everyone has done and seen.
Selby, Victoria
I am so pleased this thread was extended. We have so many...........oh, I think I said that previously, didn't I. But its great to see all these wonderful parrot pics.
Brisbane southside.
I got this (low quality) shot of a Mallee Ringneck on my trip to western Qld a few weeks ago.
We have such a variety of bird types and colours, don't we? I have some friends in the states who say our birds our so much more colourful than theirs.
Selby, Victoria