Does not eat carrion.
Slim bodied, with narrow head, and sharp cornered, square cut tail. Distinctive white face. Often seen circling above tree tops. Wings set well forward, with deep fingered outer wing. Tail is twisted in flight.
Black-breasted Buzzard
Sparsely distributed and mainly coastal and sub-coastal, but not in deserts. Widespread over the whole of Australia. But not in the Central inlands or deserts
Forested woodlands of tropical and sub tropical Australia. Absent in alpine areas.
Spring, Summer migration to south east, south west, and east for breeding. Nothern migration during the non-breeding season
Attacks birds in trees and nests, including chicks. Insects, occassionally small mammals and lizards.
Nests are predominatly sticks lined with green eucalyptus leaves. Usually nests nearby water. August to December. 2 - 3 eggs, both male and female incubate. Male brings most of the food, with the female feeding the chicks.
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