Two birds I would love to see in the wild, the Australian Bustard, and the Inland Dotterel. Who knows.....?
I took those photos at Serendip, where they run breeding programs. The birds were in a large open paddock. I think they are just beautiful.
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That's the one I wanted to post
, sorry

Saw a horse paddock full of Bustards ( well 5 of them ) at Katherine on my last trip north . Seem to be quite common in that area.
Neil, is there anything special about them? Do they make intersting noises, or any weird behaviour? Or is it just me who thinks they might be fascinating birds?
Not the prettiest looking thing ,almost prehistoric in fact .Nothing special as far as i know , allthough I must admit I haven't really shown a lot of interest in the species. I've seen the damage they can do to a car 100kph though.
Haha, I look at bit prehistoric
, as they say in France, beautiful girls are boring," charm" is most important. Even a prehistoric beast can have charm.
So true M-L
Nice work M-L. Isn't Serendip an interesting place!
I never knew they had Inland Dotterels there. Were they in the Bustard and Goose cages?
P.S. I would also kill to see the Dotterel in the wild, may need to take a trip outback though.
Cheers, Owen.
Nice shots. M-L. Like Owen, I didn't know they were keeping Inland Dotts at Serendip....I'd like to see the Inland Dott as well. I have seen the Bustard up at Broome where we almost ran over a pair on the plains behind the Broome Bird Observatory. From what I hear, they put on quite a spectacular mating (?) display.
Melbourne, VIC
What do mean by Goose cages Owen? They were outside in those fenced off grass paddocks. Next to them were some Bush Thick-knees. You are right about the Dotterel, it was in a seperate area, didn't look as if it belonged to them. Might just have been looking after it, who knows?
Hi Ken, that is amazing, I'm lost for words. Who does he want to mate with?
They are all on the other side of the fence.
But seriously, that is some kind of display. Thanks for posting it.
Wow, that is a fascinating display Ken, thanks for showing it to us. Isn’t the world of birds amazing?
I have to apologise to Owen and George, I didn’t sleep well last night, I woke up thinking about where I took the photo of the Dotterel? Then it came to me, you are right, it wasn’t at Serendip (so don’t rush out to see it), it was in a separate area at Healesville. I had sorted it into the wrong folder. Sorry guys.
Apologies are un-necessary, M-L. All you did was forget where the shot was taken. I hope you get a better night's sleep tonight.

Melbourne, VIC
Thanks George, I just thought," o, I hope they are not rushing over to Serendip to see the Dotterel" I know how keen you are, just the kind of thing I would do.
No worries M-L. Happens to all of us!
Cheers, Owen.