Noisy miner

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cassie.c87's picture
Noisy miner

These birds might not be all that fancy but I sure do love them. They normally hang out in my large tree to far up or zipping here and there to fast to capture, but sometimes get the odd one or more visit the smaller tree's laugh

kerry's picture

i like the nosy miners as well we have a tree they love its great watching them


Araminta's picture

So do I, where I live they are less and less of them.


Chris F
Chris F's picture

We have them here, sometimes in a large flock, but mostly a group of about 6.

They enjoy the yellow jackaranda just outside our study window, mostly early in the mornings.

I have a few photos but because the sun rises just behind that tree, the light is all wrong to get good photos - even if they stayed still long enough they tend to be mostly in the shade or just silouhettes, at least now I know what they are!


Chris F
Chris F's picture

We have them here, sometimes in a large flock, but mostly a group of about 6.

They enjoy the yellow jackaranda just outside our study window, mostly early in the mornings.

I have a few photos but because the sun rises just behind that tree, the light is all wrong to get good photos - even if they stayed still long enough they tend to be mostly in the shade or just silouhettes, at least now I know what they are!


 and   @birdsinbackyards
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