Today I saw a group of White-winged Chough. I had never seen any before, or could it be that from a distance I mistook them for Ravens?
I couldn’t get clear shots of them, they were always under trees, or behind some branches. I tried my best though. Then one of them picked up a frog. I watched him kill his catch by repeatedly spearing it with his beak, then he started to eat it. Unfortunately I couldn’t get close enough, too many trees. Anyway , I still want to share the photos with you.
One more, because I find them interesting.
Also, does anyone know what kind of frog this is?
Araminta, it's great to hear that you have this species in your garden. No doubt you're really chuffed. Choughs are great for aerating the soil. With luck you might get them breeding where you live; their nests are superb, like a piece of pottery.
That'll be GREAT Woko. Do you know what kind of frog the bird is eating?? And I have no idea how to pronounce "Chough"
Hi, M-L. No idea of the frog, Chough (Chuff) and here is what there nest looks like.
EDIT: I missed Wokos hint
Shorty......Canon gear
, the nest is amazingly beautiful. (at my place the nest will look just like the colour of my house, as our bricks are made using the mud on our property).
Thanks so much Shorty. Thanks also for the pronounciation.
I think that it is a dead frog
but it still has very cute legs, I wish I had legs like that
You'd be a great swimmer if you did, Araminta. No, I'm not flash on my frog identifications, especially when they're a victim of a chough.
it might be a chough drop