Adding this as I've had a few viewers & a number of searches looking for info on one legged rosellas. This one is very close up & shows how well she adapted to this handicap.
The conversation they are having is worthwhile too.
I haven't had the time to look at you video yet, but I will look for some photos of a one legged Superb Fairy Wren in my garden, that started off having two legs and I followed him around for a while. Until I 'll find them
I can't see your video, sorry. But I had a one legged Wren last year. He must have lost a leg in a fight. It took a few days to get his ballance right, mostly sitting on branches. His female, who was sitting on eggs quickly replaced him with a two legged guy. He was hanging around for a few weeks, but then never turned up again.
Hi ad, can't see the video, have you posted in a different way? Your other posts have a YouTube link, but this one is not displaying that for me.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
ML & Dale thanks for the heads-up. It looked OK in the preview, will continue to use the straight link.
ML Interesting that he 'was replaced' so much "for better or for worse" in the bird world
. david
What is even funnier , almost the kind of thing humans would do, she did replace him after he ended up just sitting on the fence watching her do all the feeding of the nestlings. (you don't help, you're out) But after she had chosen the two legged guy, I caught her having sex with the one legged ex-guy. Now, sounds familliar?
ROFL oh ML your twisted
a good provider and sex on the side what more could a wren want?
Hey Dale saw a program on the tube recently of a guy down your way who saw a tiger a few years back and kept it quite for a while...hope he's right...and that they are still alive. ad
David said:
ROFL oh ML your twisted
a good provider and sex on the side what more could a wren want?
Not twisted
, the older I get, the more I think along the lines: Go girls, get it
, as much and when ever you can.Works for the girl (wren behind the shed), and the guy should be quiet about it.
He was and ended up dead; behind the shed.
ad, I have a friend who is very reliable, claims to have seen a "Tiger (thylacene)" about 10 years ago in the wilds of the South West National Park, no evidence but seen by a party of three! Their decision was not to make an official sighting in the interests of the animal(s) - presume if there is one there has to be more. Still have some doubt, but very open minded about the possibility.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Hi Dale can't remember the person or date of the sighting but this was in/very near the Huon Valley 10-15 years ago kept quite for the safety of the animal he was interviewed and shown on telly about a month back he seemed the type of person who knew what he was on about. For the life of me can’t remember the program it was on. Could it have been the same incident? ad
No don't think same incident, this was a group of 3 ladies, and the sighting was in area only accessible after 5 or 6 days walking the South Coast Track, or plane drop at Melaleuca, and was not on one of the popular tourist walks. Gives more hope of their survival, multiple sightings, potentially different areas. If the one you refer to was actually in or around the Huon Valley, I think it is unlikely to be even the same animal, as there is a lot of very dense forest, over a long distance between these sites. A few (15-20) years ago there would be maybe 1 or 2 reported sightings a year, but have heard nothing recently.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Hi Dale Different. There was mention of 40 or so ks from Hobart, Huon was mentioned if I remember correctly, older guy bush type sounded like he knew what he was doing or very good at deception. ad
Thanks to all who have had a look
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