still crappy weather

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Araminta's picture
still crappy weather

Not a very nice day, grey and freezing cold. Some birds have started nest construction. The Lewin's Honeyeater found a female, so did the Eastern Spinebill. Other than that....not much is happening. No Wrens in breeding plumage yetcrying

Lachlan's picture

Wonderful photos. 

How do you do it? Convince yourself to go outside on a grey and cold day... You're crazy!surprise

cassie.c87's picture

Awe they are just teasing you, before you know it they will be out and about in full colour. until then I we can enjoy all these other great photo's smiley

Elsie's picture

Great photos! I really like the Eastern spinebillsmiley And I agree with cassie, they'll be back sooncheeky

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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