Royal Spoonbill

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Karen's picture
Royal Spoonbill

My first encounter with a Royal Spoonbill.  Taken at Meadowbrook park.  First time I've seen one, and though I've seen the black cormorants, the Little Pied Cormorant was a newby to the park as well (for me, at least).

Chris F
Chris F's picture

Beautiful photos Karen smiley We have one which visits us occasionally, I was very excited yesterday to actually have my camera with me when it turned up around the edge of our dam.  None of my photos are anywhere near as good as yours - sigh. My excuse - too far away. Chris.

shoop's picture

Gorgeous !!!!!!!!!! I am jealous I haven't got a photo of one yet !!!!!!!!!!! I have only taken the Yellow-billed Spoonbill a few times as well . Here is one that I am rather fond of , they always look as though they are smirking cheeky

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.

Karen's picture

Thank you both for you replies.  Until yesterday when I looked this one up, I wasn't aware there was a yellow billed one.  It's always great to see a new bird in the area.  I was beginning to think the crows were taking over the world.

Brisbane southside.

Araminta's picture

Beautiful photo Karenyes Keep a look out for their nest, they build communal nests like the Ibis, but up in a tree or on some platform.Although I have also seen one pair nests.


Chris F
Chris F's picture

I have a series of photos from yesterday, including the bird with it's beak fully open thrashing the water around.                     Wikipedia article on Royal Spoonbill explains what it was doing, and that they eat mosquito fish among other things.                     We do have mosquito fish in our dam, along with eels and all sorts of other bugs.                                                                                I was really pleased to catch it in flight when it finally had enough of my camera clicking smiley                                                             So although it is not a really fabulous photo I thought I'd share it anyway. What a great bird laugh

Karen's picture

Thank you both for your replies.  And for the photos too.  I wish I'd seen it in flight.  It was on the opposite side of the lake, but it looked quite large.  I hope it finds a partner and settles in, though I think there are too many people around for it to consider the area a breeding ground.  Still, we'll see.  I go there often as its close to home, and I love seeing the bird life there.

Brisbane southside.

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Wow, brilliant Karen.  They're such unique looking birds aren't they?  Love them - have never seen one in the flesh myself crying so thankyou so much for sharing.

West Coast Tasmania

Karen's picture

Thank you.  I'd never seen one that I could photograph before.  I'd only seen one other that was from the rear as it walked away in a paddock, and unable to get a pic.  This one was a treat.

Brisbane southside.

windshear's picture

I see them reasonably regularly in the swamp at the back of the housing estate I live in. 

Couple of photos from last week and a while ago - a whole group at Murrumba Downs, and one looking particularly "Fabulous" at Berrinba Wetlands.

Karen's picture

Good pics!  I love the pose on that second shot.  Must do a visit to Berrinba Wetlands soon.  Should be a lot of activity with Spring around the corner.  Is that a "wannabe spoonbill" on the left?

Brisbane southside.

windshear's picture

Heh, yeah, it was a mixed bunch of birds - there were a couple of Ibis as well (including a very grumpy-looking straw-necked ibis standing a few metres away from the group).

Berrinba's a lovely place to visit, I definitely recommend it - lots of pelicans hanging around, spoonbills, swans, Comb Crested Jacanas, Cormorants, and various other waterbirds. When I was there last there were four White-bellied Sea Eagles (2 adults, 2 juveniles) hunting out over the swamp/lake/whatever. Alas they were too far away to get a very clear shot, but they were fun to watch anyway. You can also find a variety of little birds (Grey Fantails, Spangled Drongos, Yellow Robins) if you walk around the tracks.

Karen's picture

I am so pleased you saw the Sea Eagles.  I've only ever seen one at a time at Berrinba Wetlands.  I've been lucky to see some wonderful birds there, even if I couldn't get pictures.  I love the steel eagle "sculpture" they have in the picnic area there.  I think its a real work of art.

Brisbane southside.

windshear's picture

Karen wrote:

I am so pleased you saw the Sea Eagles.  I've only ever seen one at a time at Berrinba Wetlands.  I've been lucky to see some wonderful birds there, even if I couldn't get pictures.  I love the steel eagle "sculpture" they have in the picnic area there.  I think its a real work of art.

Yes. I didn't realise at first that its wings flapped. Gave me a shock at first, but it's fantastic! :)

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