Noisy miner chicks leaving the nest!

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cassie.c87's picture
Noisy miner chicks leaving the nest!

Went past the Noisy miner nest again today, last time I went past I saw one and thought there was only two or three chicks max, turned out there was four! here are some photo's I got

Araminta's picture

Those photos are sooooo beautifulsmileywatching little baby birds is one of life's delights. Thanks for sharing heart


Annie W
Annie W's picture

Just darlings!  Super cute when they're all awkward & learning, love these shots!

West Coast Tasmania

cassie.c87's picture

thank you, it was great watching them. The eldest took flight which took me by surprise while the others stayed where they were and waited for a feed, the youngest looked like it was about to leave the nest a few times but then changed it's mind and just called out instead.. The parents were not too happy with me hanging around so I got these and left, not sure if I will make it back before they are off on their own but I'm so glad make one extra trip  smiley

dicutting10's picture

great photos - spring is great - every time I aim my camera I seem to catch the birds "at it" - its colder here and the spring is later so we are a bit behind.

Diane Canberra

dna1972's picture

Very nice Cassie. Bet they ARE NOISY too right now.... smiley

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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