Just a few photos I took over the weekend involving nesting. It never ceases to amaze me how much effort is involved in building nests - and no wonder they want to reuse/recycle old nests.
(Sherwood Arboretum) The Brown Honeyeater was so cute, it appeared as though it bit off a bit more than it could chew, and was having a bit of a squawk about spiderweb sticking in its beak.
The others were taken at Kumbartcho Sanctuary.
This little Red-backed Wren girl was doing all the hard work while the males were gallivanting around in the Lantana bushes. She was just so sweet.
I was on my way out of the park when I spotted a nest on a branch. Decided to wing it and wait around to see who turned up. Was rewarded with a Peewee (Magpie Lark) coming to feed its babies. (you can just see one hungry little beak poking out in the second pic)
How lovely! The Magpie larks nest is so amazing, isn't it?!
Great photos!
Yes, there are certainly some wonders of construction in the natural world. :) And to think they build it just with beak and claw, without the aid of opposable thumbs.
Yes, it is very amazing I love the peewee magpies. Just the other day I was thinking about how many black and white birds Australia has! There are so many
Indeed, indeed. :)
My big bird book of Australian birds (not the proper title) has a section entitled "Mostly Black and White birds"