Identify nesting bird in potato vine

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GregM's picture
Identify nesting bird in potato vine

We live in Suburban Dubbo. Trying to identify this bird which is nesting in potato vine on fence. Is it common blackbird? Young are now hatched photo taken last weekend of November. any advice welcome.

Woko's picture

Common blackbird alright, GregM. You would strike a welcome blow for Australian birds by eradicating this pest from your garden. As well, I've just read an article about restoring native orchids to bushland & one of the inhibitors is the common blackbird because of its habit of scratching around in the soil.

Lachlan's picture

If it goes peep peep peep whenever you go outside, it is probably a blackbird. frown

Sure, they're exotic, but I disagree with Woko on getting rid of them. Just keep an eye out next year and try and get their nest before they lay. It seems the frequently will reuse nests or build a new one near the old one. So, they'll probably be back. 

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