Lesser Goldfinch regular in Central California

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Phil_in_CA's picture
Lesser Goldfinch regular in Central California

This little cutie just finished drinking and streaked off... BUT, I got him!  Love the wing trails.

Lesser Goldfinch takes off from the watering station by Phil in CA, on Flickr

Phil_in_CA's picture

Another fella from the backyard late this afternoon, at sundown... White Crowned Sparrow watches the goings on in the yard.

IMG_4149_DxO.jpg by Phil in CA, on Flickr

Dennis's picture

Great shots Phil,

the White Crowned Sparrow wears some interesting head gear, geart looking little Bird. Love the first shot, very nice.



That sparrow is a beautiful little bird ... nice shot

Annie W
Annie W's picture

He looks like a little angel darting off there Phil smiley.  Love Mr Attitude in the second shot too, such a beautiful bird!

West Coast Tasmania

Phil_in_CA's picture

Thanks for your kind comments, everyone!  I have been under the weather here.... flu or something.  Been in bed for days! Glad to be back up for a bit today.

Even before I started IDing birds, I thought that the "White Crowned Sparrow" had the old fashioned leather football helmet on! Hahaha.

Thanks for taking the time to look at my submissions... You've made my day!


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