Hi there....looking out my office window, this little bird is a frequent visitor.
He is extremely shy/nervous and if he detects a movement or unusual sound he takes off.
The photos aren't great as I have had to take them through the window.
Can someone help me identify him please?
Unknown Bird
Sun, 21/02/2010 - 20:34
Unknown Bird
looks like
Central Victoria
I'd say a female Satin Bowerbird - it looks too big for a finch.
This is an immature male with a light beak.
Yes, you are right Marj!
Central Victoria
Thank you.......apart from the blue eyes (I've never got that close)....it is a perfect match.
When I googled Plum-headed Finch I thought that the size was too small.
Ours is very olive coloured but nonetheless fits the description perfectly.
I like to know who visits us.....and this is a very regular visitor.....loves our tomatoes.
Thank you Al & Marj
Hey Marj that is a great shot thanks, now I can really see the difference between my catbirds and the female bower birds. in some of the illustrations they look really similar.
quite beautiful birds aren't they? Love that blue in the eye.
Sunshine Coast Queensland