Here are a couple of photos taken today in our back yard. I have also included a couple of the local koalas who migrate through our area a couple of times every year. Please excuse them being off-topic but I thought some may like to see these wonderful natives.
Where is your backyard, Roy?
We live at Alexandra Hills, which is part of the Redland Shire. Directly East of Brisbane and on the coast. We are close to Moreton Bay and islands such as Stradbroke Island and Moreton Island. This region is very proactive in conservation and has many protected areas which cater for public interaction with the local wildlife.
Thanks, Roy. I was a bit worried you might live in the Mt Lofty Ranges, SA where koalas aren't native but are well established & will eventually wreck many Eucalyptus populations just as they did on Kangaroo Island, SA.