Bird of the Week Challenge: 15th December - feathers

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Holly's picture
Bird of the Week Challenge: 15th December - feathers

Hi all

WOW! What a fantastic series of photos last week, it was a huge one. Thanks to all who took part.


This week's theme is: Feathers. Share your photos that highlight feathers - either still on the bird or not smiley Same rules as usual, make sure you wait a turn.


Rick N
Rick N's picture

I'll get started.

This should bring out some nice photos.

Last weeks challenge had some magic images.

Chris 333
Chris 333's picture

Well, there's a coincidence!  Two days ago I came across this feather in our garden and made a quick digital 'Christmas card' from the picture, to send to a friend.

So, wishing everybody at BiB a Happy Holiday and a healthy New Year. May all your shots be crisp and successful. 

mpb's picture


Chris 333
Chris 333's picture

Wow. That's an amazing looking collection of feathers mpb!  Unless it's an echidna on the back there, getting some hours up for its pilot's licence...  Interesting shot.

robwill's picture

This little guy was a flurry of feathers when I got too close to the nest. 

Fantail. by robwill4, on Flickr


Owl of Kedumba
Owl of Kedumba's picture

A fluffy young Boobook

Chris 333
Chris 333's picture

Enjoying the pics so far. 

I'm a bit slow this week - it took me a couple of views before I noticed the extra feather in Rick's beautiful shot of the gull!

I've been trying to get some flight shots of the birds in our garden, and one aspect that I've found interesting is how disarrayed their feathers can sometimes look in flight compared to how neat they look at rest. 

Galah looking a bit scruffy prior to landing

rawshorty's picture

Rick N wrote:

I'll get started.

This should bring out some nice photos.

Last weeks challenge had some magic images.

Great shot, Rick.

The floating feather and the black bg really make this shot stand out.

Shorty......Canon gear


rawshorty's picture

Feather detail of a Darter with a little extra detail laugh

Australasian darter (Anhinga novaehollandiae)-2-2 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url]Australasian darter (Anhinga novaehollandiae)-2-2 by rawshorty, on Flickr

Shorty......Canon gear


pacman's picture

rawshorty wrote:

Feather detail of a Darter with a little extra detail laugh

Australasian darter (Anhinga novaehollandiae)-2-2 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url]Australasian darter (Anhinga novaehollandiae)-2-2 by rawshorty, on Flickr

another crappy pic cheeky


Owl of Kedumba
Owl of Kedumba's picture

You and your extra detail rawshorty....

Little Black Cormorant in breeding plumage (my first waterbird photo from yesterday).


Flying Feathers - BS Kite

Reflex's picture

I'm struggling a bit with this weeks topic but there was an abundance of feathers in this shot as I remember!

Samford Valley Qld.


Feathers blowing in the wind

Chris 333
Chris 333's picture

Splendid feather shots above.  Maybe slightly too much information in rawshorty's intriguing darter feather shot. smiley  Interesting cormorant shot from Owl of Kedumba - I'm so new to bird study that I didn't even know about "breeding plumage" before. I guess it's their equivalent of the purple wedding tuxedo...

Really liked WD's shot from the rear of the kite. I enjoy seeing photos that show aspects of flight that - just for variety - don't include the usual focus on head and eye.   By coincidence I was just looking at WD's "feathers blowing in the wind" shot on Photobucket and wondering why he hadn't posted that one. And then he did. Cue spooky music... 

Lovely range of feather detail in that photo  from Reflex too.  

View of the neck feathers on the red capped parrot that was hanging round the neighbourhood and terrorising us for a while.

Reflex's picture

More feathers being blown about in the breeze...

Samford Valley Qld.

Owl of Kedumba
Owl of Kedumba's picture

1st shot of a young Beautiful Firetail yesterday - thought it showed nice feather detail.

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Feathers & Fangs

Avian's picture

Make way..

Avian's picture

Angry Magpie V Ringtail Possum


Thanks Chris .... yep i load up a few on photobucket for this weeks theme, to fire them in when I can.

Unique shot avian !! Good to see a magpie picking on something up a tree rather than we poor pedestrians and cyclists!


Troublesome feather needs attention

Rick N
Rick N's picture

That's a great shot WD.

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Ummm, rEGRETing this wind.

May as well throw in a bad pun challenge as well smiley


Thanks Rick.

I got a egret too - feathers on the wind


Opps ......Double post again !

Reflex's picture

Some dirty feathers.

Sometimes the need to photograph something is so strong that even an opportunity with an Ibis is just what the doctor ordered.

Does anyone else ever feel that way?

Samford Valley Qld.

Avian's picture

Nah Reflex, never felt the need in my life ever......well, almost never

Chris 333
Chris 333's picture

Avian wrote:

Angry Magpie V Ringtail Possum

Terrific shot Avian.  I like to try and capture little 'moments' around our block, but I've never got anything as good as that. I've either got the camera and nothing happens, or something happens and I'm not equipped to catch it!  But I guess that makes it all the more satisfying when you do catch something. 

Chris 333
Chris 333's picture

Reflex wrote:

Some dirty feathers.

Sometimes the need to photograph something is so strong that even an opportunity with an Ibis is just what the doctor ordered.

Does anyone else ever feel that way?

Apparently so.....

'Showing the photographer your tail feathers'.   Or perhaps -   'Date with Destiny'.  I obviously just needed to click on something with feathers on that day...


Me too!

annas's picture

Surely there can't be a feather challenge without someone posting one of these?

rawshorty's picture

Feather doo of the Emu  ( captive bird )

Emu 2- by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url]Emu 2- by rawshorty, on Flickr

Shorty......Canon gear



Nice one avian... you are right the peacock is hard to beat in the feathers department!


Avian's picture

Ref the Magpie V Possum.  The Magpie was really going beserk on him, to the extent that almost every other bird within 50m came into the tree to witness the carnage.  Looking at the photos I was suprised to see how much the Magpie had flared his tail feathers during the encounter, have not seen that before.    After some serious attention the Possum retreated to another tree.  So the moral of the story seems to be no matter how large your testicles, don't mess with an angry Magpie.     Sorry for the thread drift.

Araminta's picture

Red Firetail.


Reflex's picture

Il ne manquait plus que ca ML!yes

Samford Valley Qld.

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Bloody Mosquitos !!


Reflex's picture

Itchy, itchy under all the feathers ........

Don't you just love it when black birds don't have black eyes?

Samford Valley Qld.


Nice one getting the detail on those black feathers Reflex.

This one has a black eye but caught a glint of light in it - wearing his neck feathers like a Tudor ruff.

I love the Ibis for photography ... great models. 

Araminta's picture

Not all feather are lined up the way they should be. It's a bit windy.


Reflex's picture

 Lots of feathers on this Darter this morning. Another first for me!


Samford Valley Qld.

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Here I am Girls!

rawshorty's picture

Gotta love the colours of the feathers on the the young BSK's.

black-shouldered kite (Elanus axillaris)-2 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url]black-shouldered kite (Elanus axillaris)-2 by rawshorty, on Flickr

Shorty......Canon gear


Reflex's picture

Itchy chin feathers need to be carefully attended to when you have talons like this! I had no idea they were so powerful.

Samford Valley Qld.

rawshorty's picture

Ready to hold an egg laugh

Latham's Snipe-7659 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url]Latham's Snipe-7659 by rawshorty, on Flickr

Shorty......Canon gear


Rick N
Rick N's picture

Bit grainy but still lovely feathers

Reflex's picture

Another one from Mount Glorious a Red-browed Finch showing off his/her magnificent feather detail.

Samford Valley Qld.


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