Best places to view/photo birds of prey in Victoria

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Best places to view/photo birds of prey in Victoria

Hi all,

New to the forum, and relatively new to bird photography (but love it). I've done a fair bit of local photography where I live which has a nice range of birds (parrots, kookaburras, wetland birds etc) but now I am looking to expand my areas of photography, particularly birds of prey.

Recently I went to the Grampians and found a lot of birds of prey (though they were buggers to try to photograph and only really got some good shots of a Black-shouldered kite, the rest just flew off or were too far away).

Anyway I was wondering if anyone had some good spots in Victoria that is good for viewing birds of prey?

I live in the northern suburbs of Melbourne and if there were anywhere close around there it would be awesome but happy to explore anywhere as I do like to hike as well.

Anyway glad to be hear and look forward to sharing some photos.

sparrow's picture

You could start by looking for open grasslands in your area golf courses race tracks even roadside open areas anywhere they might be looking for something to eat ,I've lost count how many BOP I have seen beside major roads, even a Wedge Tail standing at the side of the Western HWY at Melton.

I live in Stawell 10 min from the Grampians and I'm always telling people what an amazing place it is for birding as well as being a great place to unwind ,if you come up this way again let me know on this forum and I'll let you in on some of the best places to get close to some of the ones around here.

Looking forward to seeing some of the photos you did get !

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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