Like every year the wrens decided to build their nest right infront of my house.I was hoping to be there for their first flight. Just like last year, the feeding got more and more frequent, and the rest of the clan appeared. Aunts, uncles and last years kids.... Then the babies came out of the nest. While they were klinging to branches, their family was there to great them. I observed the same last year, it shows them who their relatives are. They also get very vocal, so they can recognise and remember their calls.
This time there were only two young. Look at their cute little tails, aren't they gorgeous?
I understand that a relatively wide range of relatives are involved in the feeding & other raising activities of the young Superb Fairy-wrens. How did this group/family behaviour evolve, I wonder.
They are pretty naughty too. They are not fussed who they have sex with either
, ............