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Rick N
Rick N's picture

Hadn't been to Shepherds Hill Recreation Park since August last year so went for a walk yesterday morning.

Lorikeets and Rosellas are very active, Rainbow,Musk,Eastern and Adelaide all screeching and flirting around. Came across a nice pair of Muskies sitting outside their nesting hollow.

Reflex's picture

Great find.yes You seem to manage to get away every week-end although I can't complain lately.

Samford Valley Qld.

Devster's picture

Nice shots, Looks like the light was fading.

Never seen these guys before

You do seem to get out more than the average birder, lucky bugger.


Very cute pair of musk lorikeets - lovely photos.

(Co-incidentally I also saw a pair of musk lorikeets in the weekend - first ones i have seen for about a year)

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