Juvenile White Bellied Sea Eagles

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Juvenile White Bellied Sea Eagles

Was down at Collie River at Eaton checking on couple of Urban Ospreys when I decided on impulse to head up to Leschenault inlet. Glad I did as I stumbled across a couple of Juve Sea Eagles which I hardly see around Bunbury. Unfortunately they were just little far away for my 300 mm lens which was a pity as they were putting on bit of a show plus a turf war with the gulls


Nice find Laza, and you got them really good despite the distance. Thanks for posting the pics.

It occurs to me that around here I have never seen gulls harassing the local sea eagles, the ravens do that job here for sea eagles and most other raptors.

laza's picture

Interesting WD

Here in Bunbury Ive seen Gulls , Ravens and Magpies harass Ospreys, Kites, Wedge tail Eagles and Sea Eagles.

I also saw once and it was quite a spectacle a Wedge Tail Eagle quite a distance up being buzzed by a Willy wagtail.

Despite the height you could hear the fiesty little black braveheart chirpping incessantly away :)

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well


Brave little wagtail taking on the wedge tail eagle!!

Most unusual ones i have seen were about 10 or so rainbow lorrikeets hassling a brown goshawk.

laza's picture

That would have been a sight to see

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well

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