Strange Feet

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Rick N
Rick N's picture
Strange Feet

Haven't had a close up look at the feet of a Eurasian Coot before and was amazed at the size and structure. Maybe it's just me :-)

Reflex's picture

All very clear photographs Rick. I've noticed the feet are lobed not webbed like a duck.These birds are also responsible for the saying “as bald as a coot”.

Samford Valley Qld.

Devster's picture

Nice photos. Really show the size of the feet. I have noticed there feet are very disproportional to their body. I find that with all the lilley walkers as I call them.

HelloBirdy's picture

Interesting to actually be able to see this so clearly. Thanks for posting

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

ungb's picture

Those feet would feel at home on Thorpie :)  Nice capture.


Interesting shots .... crazy looking feet.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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