i know the ideal magnificaiton for bird watching is about 8- 10 but i tried a 15X skymaster and it was amazing. i could see details (in a shopping centre) that i just couldn't see with 8X binos. i regularly see hawks above me, and i'm thinking i wish the binos could zoom in a little closer to help with identification. what about getting a 15X or 20X magnificaiton bino for this? will this help do the trick. i ask since these magnificaitons just aren't recommended for bird watching. i'm also wondering how a lower mag spotting scope would compare for this purpose, since they have greater field of view, and also how zoom binos would compare for this purpose?
hello -
I use 8 x 42 Nikon Monarchs, a couple of years ago these were rated as good value for money bins, my camera is Canon 1D with 400DO lens so the bins dont get a lot of use;
you have stated that 8-10x is recommended for birding and then have asked if we would recommend the 15x or 20x; I doubt that too many will
most people that I have seen with a spotting scope have this as secondary to bins, locate with bins and then observe the sitting bird with the scope; not sure that it would be good for following soaring raptors
and considering you're thinking of Australian geographic binoculars, what kind of scope is in your sights?
+1 nice bins pacman
don't know yet waht scope or binos to get. i want to be able to observe kites and hawks/falcons up high CLOSER than b4.binocs aren't powerful enough for me. what could do it? maybe a 15X or 20X bin, or maybe a lower powered scope. but can i follow and capture the birds with these tools (is the FOV too narrow.?) scope is good for when the bird is stationary, but there are many raptors high up and sitll too far for my bins
going shops in a few mins..