Black Tailed Godwit

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Black Tailed Godwit

I went to Stockton Sandspit Newcastle NSW and saw a good variety of shorebirds including lots of bar tailed godwits. I didnt take any photos of the godwits as i have plenty of those. However looking later through my photos i noticed a few black tailed godwits in flight amongst a flock of avocets - a new species for me!  Now I wish i had taken lots of godwit pictures!  I have been searching through my other photos from the day hoping to find a black godwit on land lurking in the background somewhere.

Is the bird at back right a  Black Tailed Godwit?  I think the straight bill, less streaked head, and white front eyebrow mean it could be - but what is visible of tail does suggest barring rather than black.

What I have identified as Four Black Tail Godwits in flight amongst the avocets


emmab110's picture

Hi love Stockton sandspit 

Snail's picture

Yes, the bird at the back left (not back right) is a Black-tailed Godwit - straight bill and plainer plumage than BarTG, and yes you are correct on the birds in flight, 4 x BlackTG and Red-necked Avocets :) 



emmab110 wrote:

Hi love Stockton sandspit 

Yes its a great spot - often find something unusual there

Snail wrote:

Yes, the bird at the back left (not back right) is a Black-tailed Godwit - straight bill and plainer plumage than BarTG, and yes you are correct on the birds in flight, 4 x BlackTG and Red-necked Avocets :) 

Thanks for the reply Snail - its actually an old post that got no replies originally - yes it is the one on the left (not right - sorry!)

A few months later I saw another Black Tail Godwit in flight at the same place, and luckily for me it didnt land amonst the bar tails, but amongst a group of black winged stilts where it really stood out and i got photos of it as a definite sighting. 

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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