At Scheyville NP in Sydneys west - a scared little Sacred Kingfisher getting some rough treatment from a bell miner. KF stood its ground for a while and then fled.
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nice capture of the moment, interesting to see the side-by-side size comparison between these two species.
Very interesting photos! I've never seen a Bell Miner before, they are so beautiful. And you've captured it's lovely colour in the sunlight beautifully! Poor little kingfisher :P In the wrong place at the wrong time!
Thanks for sharing.
Great action shots! Haven't seen bell miners either, probably a good thing for the sacred kingfishers around here
Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera
Cool photos WD, I haven't actually seen either of the birds and I really want to see a Sacred Kingfisher. I feel a bit sorry for the poor little Kingfisher being bullied by (beautiful) Bell Miner... anyway that's life for birds.
Thanks for the comments. Its a very big colony of bell miners, hundreds of them - and they defend their territory against other birds.
Great shots WD
Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well
Thanks Laza .... hope to see more photos from you. We don't get many from WA these days.