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teganb02's picture

Please somebody identity, taken at mulwala N.S.W today

Woko's picture

Male Common Bluetail Ischnura heterosticta. Found Australia all over, also in Indonesia & the Pacific. I found it in The Complete Field Guide to Dragonflies of Australia by Gunther Theishchinger & John Hawking which Ms Woko gave me for Christmas. What a beauty! (The dragonfly, the book &, last but not least, Ms Woko).

zosterops's picture

name fits but it's a damselfly sp

teganb02's picture

Thank you so much! I agree Woko, it is a very pretty thing

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.

teganb02's picture

Another insect in need of identifying, what kind of moth? Taken at the same location, same day. Thank you for all of your help guys! Also I'm not sure if it helps, but there is a perfect mushroom shape in the left wing

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.

teganb02's picture

Never mind I did some research and found that the closest thing is a Bogong moth, is that correct?

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.

Woko's picture

zosterops wrote:

name fits but it's a damselfly sp

Is it a damselfly because the wings are held closely together above its body, zosterops?

Devster's picture

I agree with Zosterops, its a Damselfly. Wings along body, slender tail and eyes wide apart. Though I am not sure of the name.

teganb02's picture

Devster, it is a male Common Bluetail

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.

Devster's picture

Cool, thanks Tegan

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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