Hello everyone. I have only just got interested in birds in the last year or so, since we got a birdbath for our backyard. I don't know a lot about birds yet but I can now ID most of the birds that visit us. I'm into gardening and local plant species. I'm interested our garden as habitat for lots of local critters, so I'm really want to know a bit more about what's in my backyard and around my town. It's also fun spotting birds while we walk the dogs.
Welcome Ren, I hope you enjoy the forum :)
Welcome! I'm also in Adelaide and relatively new to the bird game. It's been good getting to know more about the local birds and I think you'll find these forums great for help with ID and discussion in general. I'm from the Sheidow Park area so I'd say you see a bit more variety and some slightly more interesting species out in the hills, though there's still plenty to keep me occupied around here.
Thanks for the welcome, Timothy and Mike.
Well Mike. I don't know about more variety, where I am. Apart form the sparrows and blackbirds, we get lots of honey eaters, such as New Hollands, White-Naped, and Yellow-faced and Red Wattlebirds and Eastern Spinebills, Grey Fantails, Red-Browed Finches, Superb Wrens, Sivereyes, Pardolotes, and Sulphur-crested and Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoos, Rosellas and Ravens. They're great to watch around the garden.
All sounds wonderful. I'm lucky when I have anything beyond the first two in your list. Never far to travel for something a little more exciting, though!
If I had wrens and pardalotes in my garden to distract me, I'd probably get a lot less done with my time.
Welcome, Ren. The bird world can add a whole new dimension to life.
It's great to learn of your focus on local plant species. Do you have a camera so that you can post photos of your plants & the critters that live in or visit your habitat?
You might be interested in joining Birds SA as a way of learning about identifying birds. I'm not a member now (I live too far away from meetings) but Birds SA was very instrumental in Ms Woko & I buying our property & preserving & restoring habitat.
Hi Woko. Yes, photography is something I do so I might post a few images over time related to the garden and its inhabitants. I bet your property gives you and Ms Woko a lot of enjoyment. I've looked at Birds SA website briefly and I'm keeping it in mind for future. Thanks.
Welcome Ren,
Another Adelaidian here, looking forward to seeing your photos and other contributions.
Cheers Rick