February Southport Pelagic trip.

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Reflex's picture
February Southport Pelagic trip.

I was lucky enough to be first reserve for any cancellations on this months Southport Pelagic trip and an email early on in the week confirmed that there was a cancellation.

The weather during the week was horrendous and I didn't think we would be going but an SMS on Friday night confirmed we were good to go.

It's a 5:30 departure from Southport on the Gold Coast so that means another 3am start for me.

The weather report predicted 15-20 knots but after a four hour cruise to the continental shelf it would have been lucky to have even been 5 knots and maybe 35C which is hot on the back of a boat.

The most common bird on these trips are the Wedge-tailed Shearwaters. Some coming within metres of the boat.

Tahiti Petrels are not unusual but for three of our guests who had travelled up from Sydney they were lifers for them.

Crested Terns are another pretty common bird.

The lack of wind means the birds don't pick up the smell of the Shark Liver berley trail and that means few birds at the boat. This was the quietest Pelagic trip I have been on with only the one new tick early on with the arrival of a pair of Streaked Shearwaters. The biggest of the Shearwaters with a wing span of up to 1.2 metres.

Snail's picture

Nice shots John, I really like that first one. The coblat blue colour of the water out wide at this time of year is incredible. Im yet to go on a Pelagic birding trip, but I spent the day at sea fishing yesterday and loved watching the seabirds, they are magnificent flyers. Unfortunately photography is difficult in a small fishing boat with so much movement and salt spray so i just have to enjoy watching them. Also if I spent too much time taking photos instead of baiting hooks the skipper might not invite me next time! I'll have to book in a pelagic one day.


rawshorty's picture

Well the weather may not have been good for bird variety but sure was good to get some great shots, well done.

Shorty......Canon gear



Rick N
Rick N's picture

Nice to get a tick John and some lovely looking birds anyway.

Water looks amazing.


3am!! - you must love these early starts.

You got a nice set of photos as a reward. I like your tahiti petrel  - such a beautiful looking bird. Nice one too of the shearwater gliding over the water with the tail feathers expanded.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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