Revisiting some old pictures and found a few unidentified birds.
This one is taken at Howard Springs in NT in heavy shade so terrible shots. I considered a Large-billed Gerygone because of the broken eye-ring but there is white in the tail. Ruled out Green Gerygone because of the eye-ring and white in the tail.
So I am now thinking it is a juvenile White-throated Gerygone although it is not particularly yellow. Any suggestions appreciated.
Hmm, I think that you might have been right with the Large-billed Gerygone, the reason I think that is because of the buff colour infront of each shoulder. I have Yellow Gerygones at my house and we had them nest last year, one thing I noticed was that the yellow is there pretty early on. Though that could just be the birds around my place. But there isn't really any true yellow on your bird and it looks to be full grown to me. I could be wrong though! I hope this helps, i'm sure someone with more expirience will know better.
Thanks Elsie. I had it in the too hard basket as the light is poor. Any feedback helps