Hi, a friend found this in a car park at Carol Park in Brisbane. Just wondering if anyone knows what it belongs to; or is it synthetic?
It's about 10cm long
probably synthetic
RyuCanberraAiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera
Thanks Ryu, I think you are correct. Well almost. I don't know birds well, but for me it was the blue Rachis (spine) and Plumulaceous (fluffy) part had me wondering. Google suggested something called Craft Feathers. So I think what we have here is a dyed Guinea foul feather. Similar to here http://www.ebay.com/itm/20-beautiful-4-8-cm-sapphire-guinea-fowl-feather-free-shipping-/391516793608.
One can get many coulours and various paterns from numerous birds species.
Ipswich Shire Eastern flanks
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probably synthetic
Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera
Thanks Ryu, I think you are correct. Well almost. I don't know birds well, but for me it was the blue Rachis (spine) and Plumulaceous (fluffy) part had me wondering. Google suggested something called Craft Feathers. So I think what we have here is a dyed Guinea foul feather. Similar to here http://www.ebay.com/itm/20-beautiful-4-8-cm-sapphire-guinea-fowl-feather-free-shipping-/391516793608.
One can get many coulours and various paterns from numerous birds species.
Ipswich Shire Eastern flanks