Need help to identify bird

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kirsten.reiners's picture
Need help to identify bird

Hello everyone,

we see a little (very small) bird in our garden in Perth and I have not been able to identify it yet. I have tried multiple times with the bird identifier and googled pictures etc. but no luck so far. I am not very familiar with Australian birds and hope you can help.

Now, I don't have a picture yet - they are really fast and so tiny they are hard to spot in the LillyPilly tree. I hope I will be able to get a picture soon since I have spotted the location where they are nesting: our neighbours shed roof. 


very small (smaller than Willie Wagtail and less round shape in the body)

I think it is tail down or honeyeater shape, slender shape

Upper body is brown-grey, Belly is white with a yellow spot on throat underside. Black-white markings/stripe on face around eyes.

It looks like they get insects or carry something in the beak to feed their little ones.

Thank you for any ideas

I will try to post a picture 


Woko's picture

Perhaps Striated Pardalotes, Kirsten. I've seen them nesting in an air brick in an ANZ Bank building (maybe hoping for a nest egg!). I would think they've found a cavity with a very small entrance hole in your neighbour's shed. That's assuming they are Striated Pardalotes. Look for the small red spot on the wing.

kirsten.reiners's picture

Thanks, I will peel my eyes out to get a better idea of the details in the markings. So far I could only make out that the have the black-white mask - could not see the yellow spot near eyes and no spot on wing either. I will stake out with my camera ready to get a shot. And yes, they seem to be right underneath the corrugated steel roof - entering through the small gaps. I can hear lots of little ones chirping when we walk past or their parents approach.

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