Nutmeg Mannikin?

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RJJT's picture
Nutmeg Mannikin?

Hello All

I would appreciate help confirming the identity of the finch pictured. Is this a nutmeg mannikin? This bird and its mate are currently building a nest on my balcony in Cairns. If it is a nutmeg mannikin, should nest building be discouraged?



Woko's picture

According to my Pizzey & Knight The Field Guide to the Birds of Australia I believe this is a Nutmeg Mannikin. However, I live in SA so Birds in Backyarders from areas infested by this species might be able to confirm or otherwise.

I note that this species is introduced to Australia & is "common & expanding". Therefore, in my view, everything needs to be done to discourage its spread so that it doesn't compete with Australian species. Simultaneously, the protection & restoration of natural habitats for Australian species needs to be undertaken to enable Australian species to survive this bird's invasion.

At this stage I would wait for confirmation that it is indeed a Nutmeg Mannikin & then proceed accordingly.

Lightuningbird's picture

My father breeds finches, only native ones, although I’m not within this birds range, I also think it is a mannikin. They are an introduced species, and should be discouraged. If they are building a nest, this would be as simple as destroying the nest.

Wimmera mally region, Vic.

RJJT's picture

Hello Woko and Lightuningbird, thank you for the advice and info. I will discourage the nest building.



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