White-faced Heron - portrait

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Alex Rogers
Alex Rogers's picture
White-faced Heron - portrait

I've been experimenting a bit with tone - some photographers do lovely high-key work, where backgrounds are washed out and pale pastels and whites dominate. I find myself enjoying the opposite -  manoevering to get the sun on the bird, deliberately underexposing to black out the backgrounds, then lightening a bit in post processing, but leaving the feeling moody and dark. This Heron is an example of the style. I've also cropped it tight in post, even snipping off the beak, to keep the viewer's eye on what I want them to look at - the Heron's eye and feather detail at the base of the beak.

What do you think? 

Devster's picture

Interesting. I wonder if a 16x9 crop with the full beak included would look ok. I think you still need the eye to be less underexposed so it captures your eye. 

You inspired me to play with one I had. Is this the type of effect you were going for?

Alex Rogers
Alex Rogers's picture

Yes, but darker, and approaching mono in terms of colour (or one vivid splash or tinge  of colour in an otherwise mono picture.)

I think you are right, its tooooo dark. Here is another edit, brighter (which works), full beak (which works, but only because with this head tilt the beak draws you in, not out like the other pose), and 16:9 (which I don't think works, I preferred more black space for the bird to float in. 

Alex Rogers
Alex Rogers's picture

And with 4:3 cropping. I think this is a better presentation. Its fun to think about and get feedback on these, thanks .

sue818's picture

Hmm, I see where you are going Alex. I would have brought the light up a little so that the eye & white is a bit brighter. You'll notice some of mine are a bit on the moody side as I quite like the effect as well.

Alex Rogers
Alex Rogers's picture

Interesting, I notice that they look darker on this forum than the same picture does on my screen. Ive literally got the same picture side by side from the forum and from my hard drive, and they are noticeably different. I'll try again with a bit more lightness on the highlights. 

Alex Rogers
Alex Rogers's picture

Ah, interesting, the process of posting it is flattening and dulling it slightly. anyway, you get the idea. I like the effect, and will do some more work on this style. 

Alex Rogers
Alex Rogers's picture

More of the same type of style - but in addition I dropped out the saturation to zero as I didn't want any colour in the background (the bird was already mono)

Alex Rogers
Alex Rogers's picture

Yes, it reproduces a full tone or more duller when posting here. Huh. Might keep my more arty stuff for elsewhere lol

Devster's picture

I like the idea and definitely like the lighter versions better.  I think with the Ibis you need to reduce the highlights first as me eyes are draw to the whites around the neck. Maybe lighten up the eye a little more as well. It's good to play with photos to see what you can do

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