Agressively defends small territory around nest.
Smaller than Forest and Australian Crow, short stubby bill, and neck. Hackles fairly long and noticible when calling. Heavily feathered legs. Entirely black with white eye. Bill, legs and feet black.
Mostly in or west of Great Dividing Range and King Island. Usually south of Sydney to Victoria and across to South Australia.
Highly variabile, grassland, open habitats, pastures. Roosting in nearby dry open woodlands.
Sedentary for 3 months while breeding. After fledging joins large flock and can either remain in area or travel widely within range.
Omnivorous, insects, small birds, eggs, nestlings, carrion, occasionally seeds and fruit.
Eggs laid May - Dec. Large nests of sticks, built by both, and feeding young is shared. Often breed in colonies…widely spread.
Often gathers where humans are making food abundant. Breeding habitats reduced by land clearing.
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