Australian Reed-Warbler

Did you know?

The Australian Reed-Warbler's nest, which is made from and attached to reeds, is designed to keep the eggs from rolling out even when the reeds are bent down by high winds.

A rich, melodious song: 'twitchee-twitchee-twitchee-quarty-quarty-quarty'. Also loud sharp 'chat' and scolding calls.
Facts and Figures
Research Species: 
Minimum Size: 
Maximum Size: 
Average size: 
Average weight: 
Breeding season: 
September to February
Clutch Size: 
3 to 4 eggs
15 days
Nestling Period: 
16 days
Basic Information
Scientific Name: 
Featured bird groups: 
Atlas Number: 
What does it look like?

The Australian Reed-Warbler is plain olive-brown above, with white underparts tinged golden-orange, and has a pale eyebrow. The sexes are similar. This species is more often heard than seen, but will be observed at times climbing among reeds and other water vegetation. Makes short low flights across water.

Similar species: 

The very similar Oriental Reed-Warbler is only a rare visitor to Australia, and is paler above, with a shorter, heavier bill and has longer, more pointed wings. The Australian Reed-Warbler is not streaked like grassbirds or cisticolas. It was originally included as part of the Clamourous Reed-warbler (Acrocephalus stentorius ) section of the Old World warblers, but is now considered to be a separate species.

Where does it live?

The Australian Reed-Warbler is found throughout Australia where there is suitable habitat and is also found from New Guinea to south-eastern Africa.


The Australian Reed-Warbler prefers dense vegetation alongside water, especially thick reed beds, as well as tall crops, bamboo thickets and lantana.

Seasonal movements: 

Sedentary in the north; migratory in the south, moving south to breed.

What does it do?

The Australian Reed-Warbler eats insects.


The Australian Reed-Warbler builds a deep cup nest with a narrow top opening in among dense reeds. It is made from dry reeds and other water plants woven together and lined with fine dry grass and feathers. The female incubates the eggs.

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